1. In normal Windows, go to Run command by pressing combination keys Windows+R
2. Type msconfig then click Ok or hit Enter key

Will appear System Configuration window.
3. Choose Boot tab.
4. Under Boot options, give a tick at Safe boot.

5. Click Ok,
6. Will appear the warning that the computer will restart, choose Restart.
Windows will run in the Safe Mode.
Other way to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10
1. Open the Start menu,
2. Click Power.
3. Press and hold Shift key (at the keyboard), and click Restart. Hold the Shift key until Windows is ready again with Choose an option page.
4. In Choose an option page, choose Troubleshoot

5. Choose Advanced options.
6. Choose Startup Settings.
7. Click Restart.

After restarting, you have to choose which Safe Mode you need, press 4,5, or 6 to choose.

Then Windows will run in the Safe Mode.