How to Extract Images From Ms. Word File

To take a picture from a Microsoft Word file, the most common way is to select an image, copy and then paste in Ms. Paint or to the Picture editor then Save-as become a new image file.
If the picture is only one or two is not a problem, but if there are a lot of pictures, we'll be bothered having to copy and  paste  one by one.

Tricks of the easiest to extract  pictures  from the Microsoft Word file is to go to Save-As menu. Then Save-As the word file to become the web page format.
Image files will be directly stored in a folder automatically.

Here are the steps:
1. Open the file Ms.Word file  that contain the pictures

2. Select Save-As (Menu File -> Save As)
3. Specify the file name, select a store location, and select Web Page in the Save as type

4. Click Save
5. Open the folder in a location where we store the file, there will be a sub folder containing html files and image files.

See Also :
-How to hide Icons, shortcuts, files and folders on Windows Desktop 
-How to hide text documents inside Notepad 
-Defaultip addres and administrator password for IP camera Trendnet TV-IP 110  Location of The Help menu in Office 2007 and Office 2010 
-How to Lock Computer screen with mouse click